Professional Advocates

Professional Advocates

Dr. Donald Chu
Football Safety Academy Advisor
Dr. Donald Chu

Sports Medicine Specialist
Dr. Jason Moore
Football Safety Academy Advisor
Dr. Jason Moore

Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractor

“As a chiropractor working with sports injuries, I deal with athletes who have suffered injuries to the head, neck, and back and understand the vulnerability of these areas during football contact. These injuries are not only debilitating at the time, but also lead to further spinal problems later in life. I recognize the potential of the Hulk Shrug Technique in reducing head and back injuries. I am also excited about the potential of utilizing the Hulk Shrug Technique in other contact sports such lacrosse, hockey, rugby, and soccer.”

Dr. Melissa KoMelissa Ko, DC
Doctor of Chiropractic
Certified Applied Kinesiologist
Certified Ergonomic Specialist
California Chiropractic Association (CCA) Member

“To Play SAFER and BETTER Football”
Head Up – Eyes Up – HULK UP!


The Football Safety Academy acknowledges the coach has the responsibility to decide which football techniques should be taught for the well being and safety of his players and there is not one specific technique including the Hulk Shrug Technique or safety device that can completely eliminate the risk of injury from impacts related to football including catastrophic injury and death. To the knowledge of the Football Safety Academy no specific research has been done regarding the Hulk Shrug Technique, however the Football Safety Academy is actively pursuing this goal.

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