Football Linemen Head and Neck Trauma, Strength vs.Size (PART 1)

Linemen - head & neck trauma
The Sports Legacy Institute‘s co-founder Chris Nowinski stated “high school football linemen do not have the strength in the hands and arms to effectively protect the head and neck during contact as compared to higher level players ” (ref #22).
The Football Safety Academy agrees with Chris Nowinski’s statement but recognizes size discrepancy between linemen as a very critical contributing factor for linemen not having the strength to effectively use their hands to protect the head and neck. Linemen in high school are often hugely mismatched in size by as much as 60 to 100 pounds.
Recently a high school linemen weighing 195lbs was concussed by head to head contact with another lineman weighting 310 pounds (ref #23). In high school coaches utilized the best available talent to compete and if that means a player is heavily mismatched with regards to size that is ALL part of the game.
The Football Safety Academy encourages coaches to examine the potential of the “Hulk Up” technique to stabilize and protect their linemen’s head and neck prior to contact. Learn how to use the body’s natural reflex “safety defense” mechanism from Dr. Jason Moore DC.
The Football Safety Academy wants to recognize the outstanding contributions of Chris Nowinski and the Sports Legacy Institute for making football a safer and better game.

“To Play SAFER and BETTER Football”
Head Up – Eyes Up – HULK UP!


The Football Safety Academy acknowledges the coach has the responsibility to decide which football techniques should be taught for the well being and safety of his players and there is not one specific technique including the Hulk Shrug Technique or safety device that can completely eliminate the risk of injury from impacts related to football including catastrophic injury and death. To the knowledge of the Football Safety Academy no specific research has been done regarding the Hulk Shrug Technique, however the Football Safety Academy is actively pursuing this goal.

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